Do you have acid reflux and other ear, nose and throat disorders? There may be an important relationship between these conditions that should be understood better. In this blog we’ll look into this link between acid reflux and disorders to help provide greater insight into their interrelationship and provide advice for how you can lower your chances of future development of either or both conditions.

How Acid Reflux Affects ENT Disorders

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), commonly referred to as acid reflux, is a condition in which stomach acid or bile irritates the esophagus, leading to symptoms like heartburn and chest pain. Furthermore, GERD damages your throat lining leading to increased bacterial growth that leads to sore throats, hoarseness, laryngitis as well as existing throat conditions such as sinusitis or rhinitis.

An Increase in Sinus Infection Risk

GERD has been linked to an increased risk of sinus infections. Stomach acid can travel up the throat and irritate the lining of your nasal passages, leaving them prone to bacteria growth and infection. People living with GERD are especially at risk of chronic sinusitis – an inflammation in the nasal cavity lasting more than 12 weeks that leads to symptoms such as stuffy nose, facial pain and pressure, postnasal drip, loss of smell and taste loss and cough. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms get in touch with your ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor.

Worsened Symptoms of Laryngitis

People living with GERD may notice their symptoms worsen when experiencing laryngitis, an inflammation in the voice box that affects speech and vocal range. Stomach acid can irritate vocal cords, making it hard to talk or breath properly; plus, hoarseness, sore throat and persistent coughing may occur as a result.

Rhinitis and Allergies

GERD may worsen existing allergies or asthma symptoms by increasing airway inflammation. Acid reflux can irritate mucus membranes in the nose, leading to rhinitis – inflammation of nasal passages which results in congestion – with allergies you may experience more severe respiratory symptoms due to this irritation of their airways caused by GERD.

Increased Risk of Ear Infections

Acid reflux has also been linked with an increased risk of ear infection as stomach acid can migrate up into your throat and ears, stimulating bacterial growth there as well as elsewhere. Common symptoms of an ear infection include pain, hearing loss and drainage from the ear – should any such signs arise, seek assistance from you ENT!

Reducing Risk Factors

There are steps you can take to lower your risks of ear, nose and throat disorders and GERD, such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a well-balanced diet and quitting smoking. Eating late at night or consuming caffeine close to bedtime should also be avoided for maximum efficacy in lowering risk factors for developing both conditions. Elevating your upper body when sleeping could further lessen symptoms associated with GERD.

Ways to Prevent Acid Reflux-Related ENT Problems

Avoiding acid reflux-related ENT problems requires adopting healthy lifestyle practices, including eating smaller meals more frequently, limiting consumption of foods known to trigger acid reflux and not lying down after eating can all help reduce symptoms of GERD. Smoking, weight loss and elevating bed head may also provide relief, while proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and antacids may help manage it effectively.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you’re experiencing persistent acid reflux symptoms or ear, nose and throat issues, seeking help is vital. An ENT will perform diagnostic tests to ascertain what is causing your symptoms and suggest the appropriate course of treatment. Understanding the correlation between acid reflux and ear, nose and throat disorders will enable you to reduce your chances of either or both conditions in the future. If you already experience symptoms related to either, seek medical help immediately from an ENT doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment; with this knowledge in hand, you’ll be better equipped to manage your health moving forward.

At ENT Specialists, our team of highly trained professionals is committed to providing comprehensive care for patients experiencing acid reflux and other ear, nose and throat disorders. We offer services such as diagnosis and treatment with medications, lifestyle modifications and surgery if necessary – as well as prevention strategies to keep these conditions from reoccurring in the future.

For more information about our services or to make an appointment with one of our ENT Specialists today please call us at (402) 983-9948 – our knowledgeable staff members are always ready and waiting with answers and advice on how best to manage acid reflux or related issues effectively.